Voce Verve, blue female

Viola, black female

Victory, black female

Viconte, blue male

Vica, black female

Versace Jeda, black female

Verdi, blue male

Venco, black male

Veejay, black male

Vanity, black female

Valliant, blue male

New pictures of the Puppies: Here at the age of twelve days.

If you are interested, please contact Linda v.d. Vijver, email linda@buitengebeuren.net, phone 0031 71 888 97 32.

Striker x Raffles v.`t Buitengebeuren

Whelped: 23.04.2008

The pictures show the newborn pups..

Raffles gave birth to one blue an five black bitches, three blue and two black males.

Pedigrees and more information at www.buitengebeuren.net